Sunday, December 27, 2009

MY BABIES ARE GETTING OLD! They just turned one year old.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Baby Turner Duane Britt was born December 14th. He weighed 8 pounds 10 ounces. And he's so cute! He sleeps all day and is up and screaming all night. I'm recovering from my C-Section very fast. So baby and mommy are doing excellent. The twins only acknowledge baby when he's screaming. Other then that, they are completely content with having another baby in the house.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I want this baby out of me! I'm so tired and I can't hardly do anything cause my belly's in the way. Duane and the babies have been sick this week. Think about it, a woman in her last month of pregnancy trying to take care of two crawling and biting twins and a grown man (you know they're awful when they're sick!). But thankfully I have Kristin. The sickness was over, but Tyler fell to it again today with a runny nose. Kristin called to see if she could take the boys for the afternoon, but since Tyler was sick she took Taylor. Then she brings over dinner, so I don't even have to cook. And Duane took Tyler over to his friend Nathan's house. Do you know what I did for those several hours??? Uninterrupted SLEEP!! It was wonderful.

So Taylor has 6 teeth and counting. He bit me for the first time the other day and left a heart shaped bruise on my shoulder. It hurt like crazy. He's crawling and climbing everything. I had to lower his crib b/c I went in there to check on the two and Taylor was leaning over his crib into Tyler's and playing with him! It was cute and scary at the same time.

Tyler finally cut a tooth the other day. Yay! He's crawling too. He also gets into the tree and presents. So all day yesterday I say, "Tyler don't you dare.." He looks at me, looks at the tree, looks at me and smiles, and crawls super fast to the tree! Taylor and I go through the same routine, except he looks at the tree and turns around. He knows not to mess with it. These two are so smart!

Duane has had strep throat we believe. He's over it pretty much now. He's toward the end of school. Just a few days left. Him and Nathan Asay hang out a lot. Lots of game playing, which I am all for as long as it has nothing to do with being online. He keeps threating Turner to stay in until he's done with finals. I think Turner is actually listening. He won't budge now.

I dyed my hair red and the twins think it's edible. So my hair usually has a mixture of hair spray and baby slobber. Other than that, it's been chasing babies and taking care of hubby.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I love Turner, but he's a pain!

Okay so I am about ready to have this baby. This past week I had to stay in the hospital a couple of days so they could stop my labour and also give me steroids to mature his lungs faster. I wasn't that good about bed rest, but after this past visit things have changed. My mother-in-law has my twins for now and I do nothing but lay down. I'm completely paranoid that he's going to come and I won't even realize it. But every thing's okay so far, and if he does come I know he'll be strong and make it just fine. I just thought the twins looked cute in these pictures.

This is me after almost 48 hours in the hospital. I'm off of my monitors and IV at this point. For a girl who's scared to death of needles, I had a flu shot, 4 shots of steroids, the IV, and Terbutaline. I was a mess after all that.
This is their grandma, Duane's mom, coming to get them. She'll have them for half the week and then bring them back to me for the second half of the week. I hate being away from my babies!

Friday, October 16, 2009


I convinced my mom to break doctor orders!!! She took me to duck duck goose this morning. It's a once a year second hand sale. It was awesome! I bought the boys so many winter clothes it was ridiculous! And I barely spent anything. That was the best part. My mom's easy, all you have to do is whine and complain a little. I had to get up and out though. And i didn't contract a single time today. But really, I wan't on my feet very long at all, so I don't feel too guilty. Here are some pictures.
Dad let Tyler drive.

My dad had to help dress the boys...and they weren't making it easy for him.
My mom and dad took the twins to my brother's football game.
For some reason Taylor loves to wear dad's hat. I guess he feels more like his papa. I couldn't get this one rotated on the computer I'm using, but it's my mom, dad, the twins, and my brother sam.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

just me complaining

Okay this is getting ridiculous! Why can't I just have a normal and full term pregnancy??? I ended up in the ER AGAIN last night. Now I've gone from semi-bed rest to strict bed rest. Before I could at least get up and go outside to sit. I just wasn't able to pick up the boys or clean or do anything strenuous. NOW I have "bathroom privileges only."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stupid bed!

I HATE bed rest! I've only been at it a few days and I feel like I'm going to come unglued. I moved in with my parents for the month of October to try to get a few weeks farther at least in my pregnancy. They're helping me with the twins. My brothers are 10 and 13 and you should see them changing poopy diapers, feeding the babies, dressing the babies, and so on. It's so cute! They even keep me entertained playing Nintendo with me and chatting and such. My mom gave me a book to read called "Amazing Grace" by Danielle Steele. Pretty good so far. But I'm used to doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, doing everything for the twins. Now I feel so useless. People get on to me if I do anything. Which is what I need I suppose. I know it's what's best for the baby, it's just really hard. You wouldn't think laying around and letting everyone cater to you would be difficult, but it IS! At least I can still take a shower and whatnot. They just won't let me do things like lift the babies or stand on my feet for very long. Even Duane calls to check up on me to make sure I'm not doing anything. With the twins I was gone bowling, playing basketball, shopping, excersising just weeks and days within delivering them. So we're all a little frantic since Turner has decided he wants to come out and play with his brothers instead of staying safe inside me.

Monday, October 5, 2009


So we almost had Turner last night. I made it to the ER in perfect timing though. They gave me a couple of shots to stop the contractions and I had to stay over night, but we're both doing good now. I just am not able to do much of anything until the baby is born. How do you manage that with twin babies???

Taylor started sitting up just a week or so after Tyler!! So I have two sitters now. Taylor also got in his two bottom teeth and is trying his hardest to eat my knee cap. Not sure why my knee cap.

I'm too big to bathe the boys now. Tried to do it in the sink, but needless to say it makes to much of a water mess. So now that is Duane's job.

And they can hold their own bottles now too!!!

I think that's about it.

Friday, September 11, 2009

long update...

Daddy put caps on his boys yesterday and Mommy thought it was so cute she had to get pictures.

Tyler is trying to help Taylor sit. Isn't that the cuttest!?

Tyler has been sitting completely by himself for almost 2 weeks now!!! That makes bath time a bit easier.

Taylor's trying to sit by himself. He can make it for almost a minute!

This is him slowly falling over :)

But he does have a lot of lower body strength. Daddy is barely supporting him.

About mid August we traveled up to northwest Arkansas to see my long-time friend Haili for the day. Haili and her mom, Gretchon, were playing with the boys after they all took a nap. It was a long drive.

Tyler thinks lately that he can feed himself. So daddy decided to let him. It made the biggest mess you ever did see! But it was so worth it. Tyler and Daddy had a blast.

Last month I was able to attend the temple three times. I took every opportunity I could. The first, my mom and dad kept the boys so Duane and I could go. The second, the relief society had a day and Kristin and I went with our boys and kept them at the nursery. The third, Jennifer kept my boys so Duane and I could go. It was so wonderful to go in and leave everything at the door. I'm such a worry wart! I worry about everyone and everything. So it was nice having a little peace. Here are me and the twins and Kristin and Christian.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Some of my family and the boys the day of their blessing.

Some of Duane's family and the boys the day of their blessing.

I cut the boys' hair.

Can you tell?

Got my hair done in Arkansas this week.

A little dark, but it should fade some.

These are a couple of ultrasound pictures of Baby Turner. In this one you can see his face on the right side and his body on the left.

This proves he is a boy...definitely.