Tuesday, January 26, 2010

life with 3 little men

So I love my sons, but it is a lot of work. I don't know how Sarah Britt does it. I really don't. My sons are all pretty well behaved. They do throw fits like any newborn or 1 year olds, and that isn't necessarily the hard part. It's the bottles and bath times, diapers and poop in the tub, the laundry...oh my goodness the laundry! The dishes and all the tripping over toys. I'm not really adjusting well to having a third baby. But thank goodness I have a support group here. Mandy Telford took Tyler and Turner yesterday. Leanna has come over and has taken the babies to her house so I could get things done. Rachel comes and entertains. Kristin is taking Turner tomorrow afternoon since the twins are sick. Nathan Asay comes and hangs out with Duane and keeps the babies entertained for me. Everyone is just so wonderful. Here are a few pictures. I swear I would break down more than I do if it weren't for all of my wonderful friends. Thank you guys!!

Here's Nathan having Tyler walk up him.

Babies with Rachel

Leanna and her son Morgan helping out with baths and feedings.

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