Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So last week was interesting. The babies and I were sick. Really sick. And Duane was gone the whole time at work and school. Lucky me. That was probably the only time I really felt stressed. I wanted to sleep and they couldn't sleep. Then we got over it. Well, Tyler decided to poop on me, him, my rug, and carpet. You wouldn't think that such a small person could hold so much poo. Then on Sunday we went to our friends', Kristin and Jared, to watch the general conference. The boys were so loud. I felt so bad because I know they prevented everyone from being able to pay much attention to the talks. And that was our week.

Duane hushing Tyler while he's playing his World of Warcraft game. The deal is that he has to take care of one baby while he plays.

Tyler sporting Ole Miss gear.

My mom bought me a sewing machine! I thought Amber's hobby of sewing and monograming looked fun...so I'm going to try it.

So this is what I deal with on a daily basis. Thank goodness this time it was only spit up. Last time it was poo.

1 comment:

Britt Family said...

Welcome to the JOYS of Motherhood!!!