Sunday, July 4, 2010

Twins with Twins

Twins with Twins

4th of July

Tyler kept running up to the fireworks to touch them, so I decided to stand right next to a firework when it went off. It was so loud and scared him. He didn't run after another firework though! He wouldn't let daddy put him down. Taylor was good and just wanted to get close enough to look. Turner about jumped out of his seat he was so excited. We just had little things like smoke bombs and little rockets.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Blessing Turner

Turner Duane Britt's blessing day first Sunday of March.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day in the Park

It was a little chilly, but the boys were tired of being cooped up in the house. So we went to the park for a picnic. They had so much fun. When we got home they decided to go straight to sleep. It was a wonderful cry-free day. I can't wait until it gets warmer.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

We traveled down to Duane's parents' house to see Ben and Angel's littlest girl, Ava, be blessed today. Here are a few family pictures taken.

Ben, Angel, and Ava.

Blaine, Amber, Carter and Cooper. Duane, Kristy, and Tyler. Jerry and Sue (holding Turner and Ava). Darren and Katie (holding Taylor). Ben, Angel and Emily. And Megan.

Ava and Turner together. Ava is two weeks older than Turner. Looks a little older because Turner was born a bit early. Ava looks just like her mom and Turner looks just like me!

Me and my best friend Katie!

Duane and his twin Darren. Duane's wearing the glasses in case you can't tell.

Darren and his wife Katie

These are some V-day pictures of the boys. I made everyone heart shaped sandwiches and a special V-day cup cake. The boys got Elmo dolls and Turner got a little doggie doll. Turner doesn't notice, but the boys went ga ga over the Elmos... forgot to take pictures.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The nursery

So here are some pictures of our nursery. Can you believe I got three cribs to fit in there! The pictures aren't very good because I have to use my camera phone to be able to blog here at the office of my apartment. So I text the pictures to my email to get them on the computer. But you can get the gist of it. It's a working progress.